Appendix A
Informed Consent Form
This is a research project in the area of Consumer Perceptions of Product Branding Across the Health Foods Sector. The purpose of this investigation is to learn more about what factors play a role in the human selection of health food brands. The results of this study may help marketing and advertising professionals create and sell certain brands in the future. Please read the following description and if you agree to give your informed consent, please select the 'I consent to these terms and conditions' button below.
I confirm that my participation in this investigation is entirely voluntary. No coercion of any kind has been used to obtain my cooperation. I understand that I may withdraw my consent and terminate my participation at any time. I also understand that all information relating to me will be held in strict confidence and that my anonymity will be protected.
I understand that my participation in this study will require me to discuss my eating habits, health limitations, and purchasing decisions. I am aware that if I have any questions about this investigation I may contact the primary researcher or their faculty supervisor (both listed below) for clarification at any time.
Primary Researcher: Renee Dutremble-
Faculty supervisor: Joseph Gustafson-
I agree that all risks to me have been explained to my satisfaction and I understand that no compensation is available from Endicott College and its employees for any injury resulting from my participation in this research. I understand what is required of me in this study and give my informed consent to be included as a participant.
I consent to these terms and conditions
Appendix B
Participant Questionnaire
1.What is your age?
2. What gender do you identify with?
Other/Prefer not to say
3. Which race/ethnicity best describes you? [Select all that apply]
Native American or Alaskan Native
Black or African American
Hispanic or Latino
White or Caucasian
Prefer not to say
4. What aspects do you consider when selecting food products? [Select all that apply]
Low sugar
Low carb
Low fat
High protein
Gluten free
5. Where do you primarily shop for food products?
Market Basket
Trader Joe's
Whole Foods
Walmart or Target
6. Are you more inclined to purchase a product if it is promoted by a celebrity/influencer that you admire?
Definitely yes
Probably yes
Might or might not
Probably not
Definitely not
7. Do you think that your subconscious plays a role in your selection or negation of a product?
Definitely yes
Probably yes
Might or might not
Probably not
Definitely not
8. Do any of the following terms apply to you either for preference or dietary restriction purposes? [Select all that apply]
Keto Diet
Low-carb diet
Other Diet/Restriction
I do not follow a diet or have any dietary restrictions
9. Which of the following products would you be more inclined to purchase?
Product A
Product B
These products are of equal desire to me
9a. What aspects influenced your decision to select your chosen product?
10. Which of the following products would you be more inclined to purchase?
Product A
Product B
These products are of equal desire to me
10a. What aspects influenced your decision to select your chosen product?
11. Which of the following products would you be more inclined to purchase?
Product A
Product B
These products are of equal desire to me
11a. What aspects influenced your decision to select your chosen product?
12. Which of the following products would you be more inclined to purchase?
Product A
Product B
These products are of equal desire to me
12a. What aspects influenced your decision to select your chosen product?