Throughout the numerous studies examined in this text, it can be concluded that there are definite impacts on consumers based on how a product is marketed and advertised, one of the most prominent takeaways being the associations between attractiveness, credibility, and healthiness. This concept of healthiness works as a factor not only in product labeling and packaging, but also is determined by whom the product is being advertised by, including social media influencers and celebrities. Moreover, celebrity endorsement versus celebrity brand yield significant differences in consumer perceptions, given that in that celebrity endorsement may sometimes feel inauthentic to consumers, whereas celebrity brands are perceived as being authentic, because they are created to show the celebrity’s true self and values. As demonstrated, there are various connections and associations that are presented in the marketing and advertising business. These relationships can surely be explored further as these findings only begin to scratch the surface in understanding the consumer perception of brand products and how well-known individuals are being utilized to promote them. Additionally, our subconscious and shopping environment may have some of the most influential factors when it comes to brand selection. This may also be the reason that many stores have shifted their marketing strategies to be targeted towards more health-conscious consumers. But what about when it’s the average consumer among the most generic grocery stores?