Virtual Brand Communities

When looking into the effects of agenda setting, the topic is typically linked with news media and how certain people, brands, etc. are portrayed in order to generate a sense of resonance in the minds of a target audience. Ragas and Roberts (2009) discuss a more relevant group of people in today’s society, one that has equal importance to the idea of an “audience,” labeling them virtual brand communities. Past research on agenda setting often revolves around the concept of community as traditionally defined as a geographically-based construct. However, when it comes to virtual brand communities, geographics are not relevant, as such a group of people forms around a specific brand, rather than a particular place (Ragas & Roberts, 2009). This newer concept of virtual brand communities is highly relevant when discussing agenda setting, as virtual communities are the ones that often decide what is important to talk about online and which brands consumers are supporting. Marketing teams understand that they need to be aiming their products towards these virtual communities as they are likely to benefit from shaping the agenda of their existing brand within this virtual brand community, rather than trying to encourage their followers to share their brand agenda with others (Ragas & Roberts, 2009).